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Kashoo Classic: Uploading OFX, QBO and QFX Formats for a Bank Reconciliation
Kashoo Classic: Uploading OFX, QBO and QFX Formats for a Bank Reconciliation

Learn how to import bank statement transactions using an OFX (Microsoft Money), QBO (Quickbooks) or QFX (Quicken) file.

Tham Moyo avatar
Written by Tham Moyo
Updated over a year ago

Note: The above formats are the file formats we recommend using to import bank statement transactions. However, if you can't get those formats and need to import a CSV, Excel or QIF file, please go to the article Uploading CSV, Excel and QIF Formats for a Bank Reconciliation.

Download your bank statement transactions file from your online banking website

On your online banking website, select Microsoft Money (OFX), Quickbooks (QBO) or Quicken (QFX) as the file format to download. Save this file in a location on your computer where you can easily find it and use a name that identifies the file clearly. You do not need to open this file at this time.

If you are given a choice for the date range of transactions, we recommend that you download one month of transactions at a time.

Upload your bank statement transactions file

1. Go to the Banking page.

2. Select the Account field and choose the bank or credit card account you wish to reconcile. Also choose the Statement Date. The statement date is the date that you want to reconcile your books up until.

3. Click the Show File Upload option

4. Click on Choose File, select the file that you downloaded from your online banking, and then click on Upload.

5. Once the file has been uploaded you will see them appear below.

Next step - performing a reconciliation

You are now ready to reconcile your transactions. Please see our article to learn how:

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