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Kashoo Classic: Creating Invoices and Entering Payments
Kashoo Classic: Creating Invoices and Entering Payments

Learn how to create invoices, send them out, edit them, and enter payments.

Tham Moyo avatar
Written by Tham Moyo
Updated over a week ago

The Invoice Page

To get to the invoice page, click on Invoice from the left hand navigation menu. There are 3 sections:

  1. Invoice and Payments tabs (on the top): This is where you would enter client invoices and receive payments.
    There are two tabs:
    Enter Invoice
    Enter Payments

  2. Income and Invoices (on the bottom): This is list of all your invoices, showing the latest ones first.

  3. Quick Reports (on the right): This pulls together real-time data on your income.

Example – Creating an Invoice

We are going to go through an example of creating an invoice for Adventurer Club Magazine on Nov 1st, 2016. Adventurer Club Magazine is given 30 days to pay the invoice and it sold an 8×10 print.

  1. Client: Choose Adventurer Club Magazine from the drop-down client list

  2. Invoice #: The invoice # is auto-generated by Kashoo, so you do not have to worry about it (Note: if you do enter your own invoice number and it is larger than the previous series of numbers, Kashoo will default to automatically creating new invoice numbers from that point and you will not be able to revert back to a lower series of numbers)

  3. Date: Choose November 1, 2016 from the mini-calendar

  4. Due Date: Choose December 1, 2016 as this is 1 month from the date of the invoice

  5. Category: This selects the account where the income will be accumulated to on the Income Statement (you have the option of directly choosing an income account or selecting an item that is associated with an income account). An “8×10 print” is being sold to the customer, so the “8×10 print” item is chosen and the description and price are automatically filled in

  6. Sales Tax: If taxes are charged, the appropriate tax would be selected. In this example, taxes are not used

  7. Allow credit card payment via: If you have set up credit card processing, you can choose whether or not to allow your customers to pay online. To set up credit card processing, please view our Setting Up Credit Card Processing article.

  8. Show Options: In the Options area you can:
    - Change the Receivable Account
    - Input a Payment
    - Create Repeating Transactions, if you would like to repeat a transaction, click on the Repeat checkbox. To learn how to use the feature, please view the article How to Repeat Transactions

  9. Add Invoice: The Add Invoice button is clicked to create the invoice

Available Options after Adding an Invoice


To send this invoice to the customer, you can do it directly from Kashoo by clicking on the Email link.

This will pull up an auto-generated email that will contain a PDF attachment of the invoice. You can edit the text of the email if you like.

After you send an email, a note is added to the comments section so that there's a record of the send.

Download PDF

To download the PDF of the invoice, click on the download pdf link. Here is what a sample invoice looks like.


You can use the “duplicate” link to copy the previous invoice to the input area so that you can change one or two fields and add it without having to enter all the information again. This allows users to make minor changes with date, description, or price without re-entering all the information.


Clicking on the “Edit” link will bring up the invoice’s details, allowing you to change anything you need to change for the existing invoice.


To add an attachment, just click on any existing transaction and you can use the Attachment Upload section to upload files. You can upload multiple files and all file types are supported.

To view attachments click on the file

Click on the boxes to navigate between multiple attachments. If you would like to download the attachment, click on the Download link.

Example – Entering Payment for an Invoice

When a customer pays for an invoice, you can receive the payment by clicking on the Enter Payment tab. This example will receive a payment from Adventure Club Magazine on December 1, 2016 for the full amount of the invoice. The funds will be deposited into the bank account.

  1. Customer: The customer Adventure Club Magazine is chosen from the drop-down list

  2. Deposited To: This is where the money will be deposited, which is the bank account

  3. Date: The date the customer paid is chosen, Dec 1, 2016

  4. Ref#: This field is used to enter a check number or bank transfer ID. This example will not use this field

  5. Outstanding Invoice List: This is a list of the customer’s unpaid invoices. An invoice is chosen by clicking on the little blue arrows. This adds the full payment to the amount box. Note: You can alternatively enter the amount in the total field and click on the grey area and the system will allocate the payment to all invoices it covers, starting with the oldest

  6. Add: The Add button is clicked and the payment is entered

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