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TrulySmall Accounting: Contacts
TrulySmall Accounting: Contacts

The Companies and Individuals with whom you do business

Kashoo avatar
Written by Kashoo
Updated over 3 months ago

Home > Contacts

Contacts are a central part of TrulySmall Accounting. This is where you see all the customers and vendors with whom you do business. Any transactions related to a given contact will appear on their individual Contact screen, which you can see by clicking on their name in the list.

Create a Contact 

Contacts can be created in two ways. 

Contacts are created automatically when transactions that are associated with a contact are cleared from your Smart Inbox. TrulySmall Accounting identifies a new contact and dynamically creates the contact record on your behalf with the transactions that are associated with it.

To create a Contact manually, select the Contacts screen from the menu on the left and click on the + Add Contact button above the Contact list. Then click on the Add a Company or Add an Individual option depending on your goal.

Complete the form with as much detail as you have, then click on the Add button.

You can store the following information for a contact:

  • Company Name the company name for the contact. This field is required when adding a Company contact but is optional for an Individual.

  • Name the First and Last name of the contact. These fields are optional for a Company contact but are required for an Individual.

  • Email is the primary email address for the contact. This will be the default email address used when you send them an invoice.

  • Phone Number for the contact's primary point of contact.

  • Address fields for street address, city, state/province, country, and zip/postal code

  • Website the contact's website.

  • Business Number the contact's business ID number.

  • Shipping Address use these fields to specify a different address from the business's main / billing address. By default the checkbox to Use same address for shipping is checked. Uncheck it to define a different ship-to address.

  • Notes use this field to add any references you find helpful about the contact. These notes do not appear outside of this form.

For each contact, TrulySmall Accounting displays the total amount of sales and any bills paid for this contact in the mini report at the top of the screen. Below that you will see a list of the transactions that you have created for them.

Edit a Contact

Click on the Contact name in the list on the left, then click on the Edit Contact link above the transaction list. All of the contact details are editable. Click on the Save button when your edits are complete. 

Remove a Contact

Click on the Edit Contact link. In the Edit window, click on the 3-dot menu then click on the Remove option. In the popup, click the Remove button to confirm. Any Transactions previously associated with the now deleted contact will be retained and can be linked to another Contact from the Transactions screen when you are ready.

Edit a Contact's Transactions 

Transactions related to a given contact can be edited from the Contacts screen. Check the checkbox to the left of the transaction to open the Edit window or click on the Deposit field even if there is no value for that transaction. 

From the Edit window, anything that can be changed from Transactions, Invoices, or Bills to Pay can be changed here (e.g. send an invoice or record a payment). A transaction can also be returned to your Smart Inbox. For those that you created manually or that were imported from a file, they can be removed from your TrulySmall Accounting business. 

Note: For transactions that were created from a bank feed, the "Date" and "Amount" values cannot be edited, nor can the transaction be removed from your business. 

Related articles: Transactions, Invoices & Payments

Generate a Customer Statement

For customers with billing history a Generate Statement button will appear above their transaction list enabling you to generate detailed or summary statements that provide them a clear picture of where their account stands.

  • The Activity statement type generates a detailed tally of invoices, payments, and credits. It also shows summary amounts that were invoiced, paid, and credited, along with the beginning, ending, and current balances for the period selected, and any overdue amount.

  • The Summary statement type generates a simplified list of outstanding invoices. The summary amounts on this statement show current invoice balance due, past due aging, any credits applied, and the total due.

Related article: Client Statements


Start Up Guide      Smart Inbox       Importing Data        Accounts        Dashboard Transactions        Contacts      Invoices     Bills to Pay Reports       Settings      Taxes 

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