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TrulySmall Accounting: Importing Transaction Data
TrulySmall Accounting: Importing Transaction Data

Automated Feeds, Bank Transaction Uploads, and Receipts. TrulySmall Accounting makes it easy.

Kashoo avatar
Written by Kashoo
Updated over 12 months ago

Home > Importing Transaction Data

Having accurate data in your accounting system is critical to running your business. TrulySmall Accounting makes it easy to get the data you need. Here are ways to get the most accurate data into TrulySmall Accounting.

  1. Bank Feeds

  2. Bank Transaction Files

  3. Receipts

Bank Feeds

Enabling your bank accounts to feed transactions into your TrulySmall Accounting account removes the risk of input errors and increases accuracy. By using standardized bank codes you will categorize and properly account for your expenses and types of income.   To  learn more, see  

Related Article: Connecting Bank Accounts

Import Bank Transaction Files

If you cannot connect to your bank account, you can create a new account in TrulySmall Accounting by uploading a transaction file from the bank. Once imported, all those records in the file create the account transactions in TrulySmall Accounting.

Please note, TrulySmall Accounting only supports OFX, QFX, and QBO files generated from your bank. This ensures the most accurate records are being provided, eliminating one of the most common sources of data errors, which is improperly formatted CSV data.  

Create a New Account from a Transaction File

This action allows you to create a new bank account and import transactions in the same step. Click on the Add account from bank file link. In the Upload Transaction File window, fill in the account Name, Type, and Description, then drag and drop or browse for the file and click on the Upload button. 

If you don't have the transaction file ready for import, you can still create the bank account in advance of the file import by selecting the Add account option.

Related Article:  Accounts

Import Bank Transaction Files

If you cannot connect to your bank account, you can create a new account in TrulySmall Accounting by uploading a transaction file from the bank. Once imported, all those records in the file create the account transactions in TrulySmall Accounting.

Please note, TrulySmall Accounting only supports OFX, QFX, and QBO files generated from your bank. This ensures the most accurate records are being provided, eliminating one of the most common sources of data errors, which is improperly formatted CSV data.

Note: Please log in to your online banking portal to download transaction files. Depending on the bank, there will be an Export or Download section for transactions or statements. If you cannot find it, please try searching the help section on bank's website.

Create a New Account from a Transaction File

This action allows you to create a new bank account and import transactions in the same step. Click on the Add account from bank file link. In the Upload Transaction File window, fill in the account Name, Type, and Description, then drag and drop or browse for the file and click on the Upload button.

If you don't have the transaction file ready for import, you can still create the bank account in advance of the file import by selecting the Add account option.

Related Article: Accounts

Upload Transactions into an Existing Bank Account

Once an account is created, additional transactions can be added from a supported file. However, there are some differences depending on the status of the account.

Accounts Not Connected to a Bank Feed
To upload future transactions for a bank that is not connected to a bank feed, use the + Add and Transaction File buttons for the specific bank account.

Accounts Connected to a Bank Feed
The + Add Transaction File button can also be used to backfill connected accounts, where your bank was not able to provide transactions back to your Opening Balance Date.

If you are backfilling an account with historical data, we suggest downloading 1 file from your bank with transactions from your TrulySmall Accounting account Opening Balance date, to the day prior to your bank feed connection. TrulySmall Accounting will automatically adjust the bank account start date as needed.

If the opening balance needs adjustment due to missing transactions in your bank transaction files, you may edit the opening balance from the account Edit screen.

Once uploaded, the transactions will appear on the Inbox page where they can be categorized and posted. TrulySmall Accounting will identify overlapping or duplicate transactions. A warning will display indicating how many transactions have been excluded. Those transactions will not be imported.

Related Article: Inbox

Upload Receipts

Receipts can provide valuable backup documentation for your records. They can also be used to create transactions, and save data input time.

From the Smart Inbox, you can upload JPG, PDF, GIF, or PNG image of receipts. Just drag and drop from your hardware, right over the Inbox screen, or use the +Receipts Button.

TrulySmall Accounting automatically reads the receipts and creates items in your inbox with the Transaction Date, Vendor Name, and Amount. It will also obtain the appropriate taxes related to the transaction from your receipt. 

For receipts that are for cash purchases, that will never be matched to a transaction coming from your bank or credit card feed, simply assign the category and post immediately.  TrulySmall Accounting will create the transaction for you based on the information read from the receipt.

In addition to in-line editing, you can also open the edit window by clicking on the paperclip associated with the receipt item.

TrulySmall Accounting will also identify receipts that match transactions from your bank feeds and uploaded  transaction files. When TrulySmall Accounting finds a match, you are notified by a "Match" button highlighted in green.  

Click on the Match Found button to view the matched records. In this example, a receipt has been matched to a transaction imported from a bank feed. Mouse over the thumbnail of the receipt to see an enlarged view.

Simply click on "Match" to combine the records into 1 transaction, and move the item to reviewed Transactions.

To un-match a receipt from a specific expense, open the match by clicking on the match from the expense item.  Choose "Edit" from the menu item, and Post the item from the edit window.  This clears the item from the Inbox and moves it to Transactions.

The now-unmatched receipt will remain in the Inbox to await being matched to the appropriate transaction coming from your bank feeds.  

You can delete unmatched receipts from the Inbox at any time. Check the box to the left of the record then click the trashcan icon above the list.


Start Up Guide      Smart Inbox       Importing Data        Accounts        Dashboard Transactions        Contacts        Invoices    Bills to Pay Reports       Settings      Taxes 

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