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TrulySmall Accounting: Auto Posting and The Smart Inbox
TrulySmall Accounting: Auto Posting and The Smart Inbox

Processes for bookkeeping can be varied, but TrulySmall Accounting has a sure-fire way to keep your books accurate and on track.

Kashoo avatar
Written by Kashoo
Updated over 3 months ago

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In any accounting system, you want to be up to date with accurate records. Here's where the Smart Inbox comes in.

Imported transactions that have not yet been categorized and need human intervention will appear on the Inbox page. At a glance, you will know which transactions in your business have not yet been addressed. The yellow badge tells you how many new transactions need attention; if there are more than 99, the number will change to an asterisk.

When your Inbox is empty, you can move onto other business functions knowing that you are up to date, and the financial status you see in your reports and accounts is truly accurate and current.  

The Smart Inbox

We recommend checking your Inbox at least once per week, reviewing your transactions for completeness. With each successive login, you will see that TrulySmall Accounting has been trained from your previous session, and will apply categories and contacts to newly received transactions. This, in turn, lessens your work load each time you use TrulySmall Accounting.

Connected Bank Status

At the top of the screen, you will see your connected bank accounts, current bank balance, and connection status.

Note: To see the date your account was last updated, please select the Accounts page on the left and open the connected account.

A green check box means you are connected and up-to-date. 

A yellow warning indicator means there is a delay in service. This could stem from your banking institution, or the service used to connect the accounts. These warnings will usually disappear and go back to green during the course of the day.  

A red error symbol lets you know there is a problem to be addressed, such as outdated banking credentials. This should be addressed immediately to keep the stream of transactions flowing into your TrulySmall Account.

Related Article: Connecting Bank Accounts

Importing Transaction Data

In addition to your connected Bank Accounts retrieving transactions for your review, transactions can also be imported from Bank Transaction files via the Accounts screen. These transactions will also be displayed in the Inbox for your review.

Related Article: Importing Transaction Data

Transactions Table

The Inbox table, displays the transactions from your bank accounts that need to be reviewed. You can collapse the left menu for more space to view the table. 

Once categorized and posted, transactions are moved to your Transactions folder. Transactions that are not reviewed and posted, will not be used in your Dashboard or reports.  

Tools for Reviewing Inbox Transactions

TrulySmall Accounting makes the review process easy, by providing tools that make it quick and painless to clear transactions from your Inbox. Read more about editing, sorting, searching, bulk editing and more capabilities below.

Auto Posting Tool:

Auto Posting is a new feature added that will categorize your bank transactions for you and post them instantly on the Transactions page. As your bank transactions come in, the automated tool will automatically assign a category to your transactions.

Custom Rule Editor:
If the tool gets the category incorrect, you can edit the rule so that going forward it will categorize the transaction with the correct expense or income account.

Clicking on the ↓ or ↑ arrows on a column header, allows you to sort the table by the data within that column. You can sort by Date, Description, or Category columns.

Inline Editing:
There is no need to open a dialog box to make a quick edit to a transaction's description, category, or taxes. These edits are available inline, and you can easily tab through multiple records while editing.

Automatic Tax Calculation:
If you are responsible for tracking taxes, there is no need for you to check every receipt, as TrulySmall Accounting makes the calculation for you in real time.

For additional grouping of transactions, you can filter by bank account, date ranges, amounts, and more.

TrulySmall Accounting has a powerful search tool that can help you hone in on that one transaction with a distinct name, or filter your transactions to a select group for bulk editing.

​Multiple Items and Bulk Editing:
Once you've paired down the records to a group of similar transactions, simply select all on screen, or all in the result set, to edit the entire group at once. Apply the changes to the fields available for editing, and choose apply to update all records. Once updated, remember to click the ✓ Post check mark at the top of the table to move the records into Transactions.

Quick Post:
You can also click on the ✓ Post checkmark to the right of any given transaction, to move that individual record to Transactions. TrulySmall Accounting will not allow you to move any item to Transactions if it has not been reviewed and provided a category.

Page Navigation:
For large sets of data, page navigation is available to inform you how many pages of records are in the Inbox. You can jump to various pages directly from the Page Indicator.

Automatic Record Matching

When you have transfers between bank accounts, or receipts that need to be paired with expense records, TrulySmall Accounting identifies these matching items in the Inbox.

TrulySmall Accounting identifies each potential match and allows you to review and post. This tool provides what is, in essence, real-time reconciliation of your accounts.  

The TrulySmall Accounting Mobile App

Download the TrulySmall Accounting mobile app today from the iOS App Store and Google Play Store and you'll have TrulySmall Accounting in your pocket whenever you need it.


Start Up Guide     Smart Inbox       Importing Data        Accounts        Dashboard Transactions        Contacts        Invoices    Bills to Pay Reports       Settings      Taxes 

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