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TrulySmall Accounting: Reports
TrulySmall Accounting: Reports

Standard and Custom Reports designed for your business

Kashoo avatar
Written by Kashoo
Updated over a month ago

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TrulySmall Accounting provides Business Reports that are most critical to running your business including

  • Profit and Loss

  • Balance Sheet

  • Sales Tax

  • General Ledger

  • Unpaid Bills & Invoices

With each report Type, you can define a date range and set other filters that are appropriate for the report.

You can create custom reports that, once saved, will appear in your Reports list under a Custom Reports header, separating them from the Standard reports and allowing you to expand or collapse each section for easier viewing.

Profit and Loss

This report shows you your net profit (or loss) based on your total Income and your total Expenses in a specific window of time, and may help you identify potential cost-cutting strategies. This report can be exported in CSV or PDF format.

Use the filters to create the report you need:

  • Time Interval: choose to view data Yearly, Quarterly, or a Custom interval

  • As of Date: set the end date the report should run through. For a Custom interval you will choose Start and End dates.

  • Prior Periods: for Yearly and Quarterly, choose whether and how much additional data you want to see.

  • You can also choose whether to include or hide child accounts (sub-accounts) in the report.

Balance Sheet

This report will show you your company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time, and provides a basis for computing rates of return and evaluating your capital. This report can be exported in CSV or PDF format.

Use the filters to create the report you need:

  • As of Date: set the end date the report should run through.

  • Detailed View: this toggle allows you to choose either a Detailed or Summary view of the report.

Sales Tax

Because TrulySmall Accounting calculates and tracks your sales taxes for you, this report shows you clearly how much tax you have collected and your pretax revenue.

Use the filters to create the report you need:

  • Tax: choose which tax code you want to report on.

  • Report type: Choose either Accrual or Cash.

  • Start Date: set the date the reported details should begin.

  • End Date: set the end date the report should run through.

Note: At this time, Taxes are not supported for all countries.

General Ledger

This represents your company's debits and credits, providing a record of each financial transaction that takes place during the specified date range. TrulySmall Accounting lets you take a broad or narrowly-focused view. This report can be exported in CSV or PDF format.

By default, the report excludes accounts with no activity, streamlining the view for you.

Use the filters to create the report you need:

  • Time Interval: choose to view data for the Current Fiscal Year, Current Fiscal Quarter, Current Month, Last Fiscal Year, or Last Fiscal Quarter, Last Month, or a Custom interval

  • Start Date: set the date the reported details should begin.

  • End Date: set the end date the report should run through.

  • Accounts: defaulting to All accounts, you can narrow the scope of the report by choosing the specific Accounts you want to see. This will only include accounts that have activity.

  • Sort by: choose to sort by account Name or Number

  • Tax: choose which tax code you want to report on.

  • Exclude accounts with no transactions: eliminates accounts that have no activity for the defined time interval and date range. Toggle it off if you want to see those accounts. If you have never had any activity on a given account, that account will not appear regardless of this toggle setting.

Unpaid Bills & Invoices

These aging reports of your accounts payable and receivable enable you to visualize what and who you owe; and what is owed to your business and by whom.

Use the filters to create the report you need

  • Report Type: choose either "Unpaid Bills" or "Unpaid Invoices".

  • Select Date: choose either "Today" or "Custom". If your business has more than one year of information in TrulySmall Accounting, you will also see an option for "Previous Fiscal Year End".

  • As of Date: set the end date the report should run through. This date will be added for you when you select other than "Custom". If you change the date here, the Select Date will change dynamically.

Contacts named in the report are hyperlinked. Clicking on the name, will take you to the list of transactions that are included in the aging data you are viewing.

This report can be exported as a PDF.

Create Custom Reports

If you have created a report that you know you'll need to reproduce in the future, you can save that as a custom report.

Click on the Save Report button in the upper right then, after giving the report a name and verifying the filters are set correctly, click on the Save button.

Once saved, custom reports can be recalled with one click from the Custom Reports section of the reports list.

History Log

TrulySmall Accounting records and displays an audit trail of all activity on the History Log page. If a transaction was changed, you are able to see exactly what was changed and by whom. If a transaction was deleted or modified incorrectly, you can use the change log page to find and correct it. In addition, each transaction has a unique ID and timestamp.


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